Date: Fri 05-Mar-1999
Date: Fri 05-Mar-1999
Publication: Bee
Author: STEVEB
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Council's Education Panel Fails To Reach Consensus On School Spending
After 90 minutes of deliberation Monday night, members of the Legislative
Council's sub-committee on education finally came to agree on one thing --
they did not agree. Their views on the Board of Education's $35.3 million
proposed budget were far too divergent for any consensus.
The four-member board did agree that the school's requested increase of $3.37
million (10.41 percent) does need to be cut. Just how much it should be cut is
another story. Lisa Schwartz and Joe Borst felt a $700,000 reduction might
help bring the overall package down to a more manageable level. Karen Blawie
and Brian White were thinking more along the lines of a $1.77 million cut,
which Mrs Blawie formally proposed. That would bring the overall increase down
to $1.6 million.
Neither suggestion flew and despite Mr White's subsequent efforts to find
common ground, the committee walked away from the table with little
accomplished. The school board's budget will now head to the Legislative
Council without a recommended reduction. It will be up to the full council to
decide how much to cut.
Committee Chairman Joe Borst said a five percent increase (or $1.6 million)
was far too small and was discouraged with the committee's inability to reach
a consensus.
"When you do a project you'd like to successfully complete it. I'm
disappointed we didn't come to any agreement," Mr Borst noted. "We could not
come to a consensus, so we just pass it on to the full council."
Mrs Schwartz's motion to cut the school budget by $700,000 was not seconded.
"I feel that's a fair compromise between cutting far too much and going beyond
what we could afford," she said. "If it was up to me, I would put the budget
out as is and let the voters decide."
Consensus may prove to be just as elusive for the full council, according to
Mrs Schwartz. "We had an impasse with only four people. God only knows where
we'll be with full council," she said.
Mrs Blawie, who also serves on the town's finance committee, was looking to
cut the proposed increase in half, believing the town would not approve
double-digit school increases two years in a row. Simply cutting $700,000 from
the proposal would still leave the taxpayers with a two mill increase.
"History has proven that Newtowners will accept a one mill increase. They will
not accept a two mill increase," Mrs Blawie said.
Untouched, the combined school and town budget of $63 million represents a tax
rate increase of 2.3 mills.
Last year, according to Mrs Blawie, the council used a large portion of its
surplus to offset the school board's massive budget. Those days are over, she
said. We've raised the bar too high.
The double-digit education increases are not expected to slow down anytime
soon, Mrs Blawie said. She considers the proposed 5/6 school a "foregone
conclusion" and will surely keep the increase going.
The finance committee, which was slated to meet Wednesday night (see related
story), is expected to make a spending recommendation to the full council
later this month. Chairman John Kortze said he does not have what he considers
an "acceptable" spending figure to date. However, Mrs Schwartz fears some
members may come into the next council meeting with "preconceived notions"
about what should be cut from the Board of Education's budget.
Some council members believe the school board's budget is more like a 12
percent increase, since it did not include $400,000 in capital costs to be
used mostly for a new roof at Middle Gate School.