United We Stand
United We Stand
(The following poem by Melissa J. Heil has been received for publication.)
For all those who have been lost, for all those who have yet to be found,
Our hearts go out,
For the tears we have shed and those that are yet to come,
We embrace one another,
We are a nation under God, and in God we trust,
We will unite, we are strong,
Our freedom has been tested, but not destroyed,
As the smoke clears the streets, we are still unable to breathe,
We hold our breath, not knowing what is to come,
We may have lost the Twin Towers,
But we have not lost our hope,
We have come together,
And together we are strong,
So in honor of those who we have lost,
We have regained our faith and unity,
United we shall stand,
For we shall never fall.
For all of us who have felt the pain of our countryâs loss,
Melissa J. Heil
Oak Drive, Sandy Hook             September 18, 2001