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Newtown Rotary Honors Students Of The Month For April



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Newtown Rotary Honors Students Of The Month For April

The Newtown Rotary recently honored six students for the month of April. Parents and teachers attended a meeting of the organization to show their support of the students.

Students from grades five through eight were introduced by Rotarian Tony Salvatore, assistant principal at Reed Intermediate School.

Michael Greenwood’s (grade five) teachers report that he is an intelligent young man who is a role model for his peers, adding that he has a mature sense of humor and a strong work ethic and knows the importance of using his time wisely. When the opportunity arises, Michael is always willing and able to help his classmates and/or teachers, they said.

Michael is athletic and in his spare time enjoys playing paintball, baseball, and basketball. His favorite subject in school is social studies; however he feels his strongest subject is math.

Meriah Tani’s (grade six) teachers describe her as a treasure in their classes because she shows compassion toward her peers, demonstrates a strong work ethic in her academics, and possesses a resiliency that few develop in a lifetime. She leads with her heart as well as her head and is not afraid to be herself, according to her teachers. She spends her spare time working with students in the preschool program housed at Reed as well as with the medically fragile students. Meriah loves to write poetry. She enjoys gymnastics and has been studying for nine years.

Stephanie Sanchez’s (grade seven) teachers are delighted to have such a fine young lady as a member of their cluster this year. They commented, “Stephanie has dedicated quite a bit of time helping out her peers when they have been in need. She is a hard worker and always has a smile on her face.” Stephanie is on the Middle School softball team and her favorite position is third base. She is an honor roll student and plays violin in the school’s orchestra. Her favorite subject in school is science because she loves all the experiments.

Hiram Orama (grade eight) is active in his church and volunteers his time on church missions. His teachers say that Hiram is equally giving in the school environment. In class he offers assistance to his teachers and peers, who report that he is always cheerful, respectful, and eager to learn. Academically, they say he is hardworking and a strong honor role student. Hiram enjoys sports and plays basketball and baseball through the Parks and Recreation program.

Mary Kate LoPiccolo (grade eight) attends St Rose School and was introduced by her science teacher, Maureen Marini. Mary Kate’s teachers say she is a scholar and consistently receives highest honors for her overall academic performance. She is a member of the Junior National Honor Society. Her teacher said, “Her pleasant disposition is one of her more endearing qualities and a reason many of the students enjoy being in her company.”

Mary Kate is also a starting player for the school varsity basketball team and was recognized as the Outstanding Student Player at a special awards banquet. In her spare time she is currently selling her craft pens to help raise funds for the Relay For Life team here in Newtown. She is an accomplished pianist and artist. She and her family have also participated in fostering dogs for the Guiding Eyes organization. Mary Kate’s teacher commented, “I have not a single doubt that Mary Kate will be extraordinary at whatever she chooses to do and she will be a force to contend with.”

Jonathan Gureckis (grade 11) was introduced at the awards banquet by Newtown High School math teacher Nicole Leone. Jonathan enjoys helping others to be better in math. Ms Chionlos, his math teacher, said, “Jonathan has excellent mathematical aptitude, and is highly mature for his age with a commitment to move up levels, he dedicates time to understand material and is a self advocate.”

Mr Tracy, his science teacher said, “Of all my students Jonathan is one of the most dedicated to learning.” Jonathan has accumulated more than 100 hours of community service in the Guidance Department and is currently working with other students and teachers establishing a student organization that identifies needs within the school community and works with teachers, administrators, the community, and the student body to make improvements.

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