Marrow Donors Have The Power To Save A Life
Marrow Donors Have The Power To Save A Life
DANBURY â Area residents have the power to save a life on Saturday, September 29. From 10 am until 2 pm, Danbury City Hall will open its doors to the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Registry. Area residents can join the Marrow Donor Program by completing a brief medial history form and providing a cheek swab.
Every day, thousands of patients who need a life-saving marrow or blood cell transplant are searching for a donor. There are more than 10 million donors worldwide who stand ready to give someone a future, yet even with a registry of millions, there are patients waiting and hoping, unable to find a match.
A marrow or blood cell transplant is a way to treat and possibly cure people with leukemia and other deadly diseases. Patients in need of a marrow or blood cell transplant are most likely to match someone of their own race and ethnicity.
The brief, ten-minute act, may save someoneâs life.
The NMDP facilitates unrelated marrow and blood cell transplants as a single point of access for a longstanding collaborative network of national and international leading medical facilities in marrow and cord blood transplantation. The NMDP connects patients, doctors, donors and researchers to the resources they need to help more people live longer and healthier lives.
 Area residents who would like to make a difference are invited to join the NMDP registry. Pre-registration information (name, phone, email) can be sent to or by calling Mary Teicholz at 798-7230.