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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Filling The Truck



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Filling The Truck

To the Editor:

Once again I have to thank the very generous residents of Newtown! They came out to support the firefighters from the five volunteer fire companies this weekend at our Fill the Fire Truck Food Drive!

We collected a total of 73 turkeys, 128 boxes of food, and $1,500 in cash/gift cards! All donations went to stocking the shelves at the FAITH Food Pantry. Thank you to the managers of Big Y and Stop & Shop for allowing us to collect in front of their stores. Also, I would like to thank Curtis Packaging for their donation of boxes to our event. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing you next year!

Karin Halstead

18-20 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook                     November 20, 2010

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