NYBA To Hold ElectionsÂ
NYBA To Hold ElectionsÂ
Newtown Youth Basketball Association (NYBA) will hold its annual meeting to elect a new board on Monday, June 13, at 7 pm. The meeting will be held in the lower meeting room of the Edmond Town hall and is open to all individuals wishing to be involved in the NYBA program. Â
With more than 1,100 registered participants ranging from kindergarteners to high school seniors, NYBA represents one of the biggest sports programs in Newtown. The organization depends heavily on the efforts of volunteers to keep the program running efficiently while maintaining an affordable cost structure.
The NYBA program needs more individuals to get involved in the program, not just as coaches, but also to help out on the administrative side. All Board positions are open and those wishing to become more involved with the basketball program are encouraged to attend this meeting.
If you are interested in, or would like to find out more about, a particular position, contact the NYBA Secretary, Po Murray at pomurray@charter.net, or NYBA Vice President of Administration, Paul Berger at bergemon@aol.com.
Visit newtownyouthbasketball.org for a complete list of board positions.