Students Recognized During NHS Awards Nights
Students Recognized During NHS Awards Nights
During ceremonies held on Wednesday, June 6, and Thursday, June 7, the annual awards for underclassmen, in grades nine, ten, and eleven, and graduating NHS seniors were handed out.
For both the senior awards night, held on Wednesday, and for the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade awards night, different announcers took turns delivering the deserving students their awards.
The following students received awards this school year.
Ayesha Ali: Roast Magazine Short Story Category Third Place
Alexis Archer: Italian Award
Emily Ashbolt: National Merit Commended Student, AP Physics B Book Award, Latin Cum Laude Award
Cole Baldino: Horticulture Club of Newtown Scholarship
Hannah Barrett: Working Womenâs Forum Scholarship
Hunter Bassett: Community Scholarship Group, Ernest Badillo Memorial Scholarship
Emiline Claire Bassett: World Language Principalâs Award
Skyler Bast: National Merit Commended Student
Michaela Beaudry: Hawley School PTA Scholarship, Newtown High School Internship Recognition, Astronomy Book Award
Erin Begg: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Newtown Babe Ruth Softball Association Scholarship, Newtown School Nurse Monetary Award, Newtown Visiting Nurse Association Scholarship, US Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award, US Marines Corps Distinguished Athlete Award
Robert Beier: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, US Marines Corps Distinguished Athlete Award
Erin Bell: Spanish Award
Abigail Blakeman: Newtown Visiting Nurse Association Scholarship
Marian Blawie: Education Connection Regional Internship Award, National Merit Commended Student, Latin Magna Cum Laude Award
Elyse Bokuniewicz: Art Department Book Award, Scan Scholarship
KC Boule: Art Department Book Award, Roast Magazine Essay Category First Place
Meredith Bridges: Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship, Newtown Visiting Nurse Association Scholarship, Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Justin Brophy:Â Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship
Edith Campos: Education Connection Regional Internship Award
Danielle Capozziello: CAS Performing Arts Award
Casie Rose Carmody: Outstanding Accounting Award, Nurtury Principalâs Award
Matt Carroll: Military Recognition US Marines, Western Connecticut Military Officers Associations
Michael Cascone: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Andrew Cebry: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Celeste Cheung: Redding Pharmacy Internship Scholarship
Emma Cianci: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Julia Clarke: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Stefanie Clavette: English Principalâs Award
John Corsi: Applied Science Research Award, Barton Weller Foundation Semifinalist
Colleen Cosgrove: French Award
Chad Cullens: Military Recognition US Army
John Dance: Vincent Voccia Vocational Scholarship
Morgan Danuszar: Oceanography Book Award
Meaghan Davis: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student
Nicholas DeBlasio: Latin Award, Latin Maxima Cum Laude Award
Sean Decker: Military Recognition US Marines
Nicole DeFelice: Horticulture Club of Newtown
Thomas Donnelly: National Merit Commended Student
Abbey Doski: CAS-CIAC Scholar/Athlete Award, Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Sandy Hook School PTA Scholarship
Caitlin Dowling               : National Merit Commended Student, US Marines Corps Semper Fidelis Excellence in Music Award
Liz Eiseman: Childrenâs Open Charitable Trust Scholarship
Spencer Erhardt: Prudential Spirit of Community Award, Hiram Lodge Scholarship
Sean Fahey: Newtown Swim & Dive Scholarship in Memory of Glenn Atkinson
Cassandra Fallon: Fred Davidson Soccer Scholarship, Hawley School PTA Scholarship
Louis Fenaroli: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Andrew Fischer: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Cory Fisher: VFW Outstanding Athlete Award
Will Fletcher: Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship
Hunter French: Childrenâs Open Charitable Trust Scholarship, Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Latin Award, Latin Maxima Cum Laude Award
Brandon Gonzalez: Military Recognition US Marines
Kristen Grabowski: Education Connection Regional Internship Award
Rebecca Greenawalt: Education Connection Regional Internship Award
Dieter Gutbrod: Art Department Principalâs Award, Scan Scholarship
Jessica Haitz: Sandy Hook School PTA Scholarship, Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, AP Environmental Science Book Award
Xiao Han: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Kyler Harmeling: SWC Leadership Award
Lauren Harrison: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, AP Biology Book Award, Senior Science Award
Brianna Hart: Childrenâs Open Charitable Trust Scholarship, National Merit Commended Student, Latin Summa Cum Laude Award
Linda He: Art Department Book Award, CAS Visual Arts Award, Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, National Merit Commended Student
Anna Hodge: Paul W. Broggi Communication Award
Tarren Horvath: Business Department Principalâs Award
Randi Jackson: Horticulture Club of Newtown Scholarship, Science Department Principalâs Award
Alexander Kelly: Middle Gate PTA Scholarship, AP Chemistry Book Award, US Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award
Mikaela Kemsley: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student
Ally Kennedy: Superintendentâs Award
Ian Kirner: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Rob Kokoski: Military Recognition US Army, Tech Ed Department Principalâs Award
Emily Kopcik: PTSA Reflections Contest, Scan Scholarship
Erika Kroesen: Education Connection Regional Internship Award
Jessica Lajoie: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student
Michael Lengel: Bob Glander Scholarship, Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship, Head Oâ Meadow PTA Scholarship
Kurtis Liniger: Art Department Book Award, Scan Scholarship
Brett Linley: Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Scholarship, Music Department Principalâs Award, US Marines Corps Semper Fidelis Excellence in Music Award
Marina Lleonart-Calvo: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Chinese Award
Michael Lord: Physical Education Department Principalâs Award
Jessica Lynch: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Newtown Federation of Teachers Scholarship, SWC Leadership Award, Weller Education Scholarship
Marco Manes: Flex Principalâs Award
Hannah Maret: CABE Student Leader Award, Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Julie Judge Memorial Award, Lt James A. Goodrich Memorial Scholarship, National Merit Commended Student
Katherine Martinelli: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Katie McGrath: Tap Principalâs Award
Sarah McMahon: Art Department Book Award
Brendan McNamara: CAS-CIAC Scholar/Athlete Award
Kyra Middeleer: DAR American History Medal
Emily Molloy: French Award
William Morlock: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Donald Morrissey: Arjun Mehta Scholarship, Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, World Language Award, Latin Summa Cum Laude Award
Kevin Moses: CPA Physics Book Award
Michael Mossbarger: Lt James A. Goodrich Memorial Scholarship, Secretary of State Excellence in Citizenship Scholarship, Superintendentâs Award
Eni Musaka: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Lauren Oâ Connell: Math Department Chair Award
Justina Paproski: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student
Madalyn Petrovich: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Sam Philips: Social Studies Department Principalâs Award
Lydia Post: Italian Award, Bob Glander Scholarship
Matthew Pruner: Chinese Award
Jennifer Radatovich: Newtown High School Internship Recognition, Counseling Office Principalâs Award
Christopher Samson: Special Education Department Principalâs Award
Erik Samuelson: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Christian Sayegh: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Michael Scalzo: Military Recognition US Marines
Maximilian Schmitt: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student
Luke Shearin: CABE Student Leader Award, Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Head Oâ Meadow PTA Scholarship
Katharine Shirley: Newtown Swim & Dive Scholarship in Memory of Glenn Atkinson
Rebecca Silveira: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Kyle Simmons: Oceanography Book Award
Ajit Singh: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, William Smith Mathematics Award, National Merit Commended Student, US Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award, Spanish Award
Michael Spak: Chartwells Scholarship
Laurel Speed: Oceanography Book Award
Amanda Stanton: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, US Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award
Roland Stephen: Math Department Principalâs Award
Chris Tenney: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Rebecca Tobin: Business Department Book Award
Trey Trudell: Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship
Jenny Van Veen: Math Department Chair Award
Mason West: Eleanor F. Moore Business Award
Joanna Wollman: Class of 2012 Top Demi-Decile Student, Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Patrick Zingaro: Military Recognition US Marines
Daniel Ansari: Fairfield University Book Award
Molly Arneth: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Christian Barrett: Education Connection Internship Award
Kate Bartel: Michaels Jewelers Award
Lydia Beiter: St Michaelâs College Book Award
Claire Bernson:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin III
Avery Black: Art Department Book Award
Erica Bloomberg: Roast Magazine Short Story Category First Place, Earth Science Book Award (CP)
Brittany Boggs:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Art Department Book Award
Sam Boland: Chemistry Book Award (Honors)
Eric Branecky: Grayâs Anatomy Book Award
Emily Brinkman: Earth Science Book Award (CP)
Emma Briscoe: Newtown High School Internship Recognition, Latin Award-Maxima Cum Laude Latin III
Courtney Campbell: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Danielle Chaloux: Chatham University Rachel Carson Book Award
Stephen Conway: William Honan Award
Nolan Cosgrove: Physics Book Award (CP)
Kurt Daum: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Julia Davin: Astronomy Book Award
Jay DeStories: Fairfield University Excellence in Math/Science Award, AP Physics C Book Award, Math Team FCML-Team High Scorer
Elizabeth DiDomizio: Biotechnology Book Award
Rachel DiVanno: University of Rochester Frederick Douglass/Susan B. Anthony Award, William Honan Award
Ryanne Duffy: Latin Award-Summa Cum Laude Latin I
Katherine Dunbar: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin I
Chris Erickson: Cornell University Book Award
Abby Fagerholm: Oberlin College Book Award
Jacob Feinstein: Harold DeGroat Award
Aoife Flanagan: Health Science Book Award
Casey Flynn: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin II
Anders Fogelberg: Education Connection Internship Award
Lauren Frazzetta: Society of Women Engineers Award
Caitlin Gibney: Columbia University Book Award
Nikole Giovannone: Latin Award-Maxima Cum Laude Latin I
Madelyn Good: Grayâs Anatomy Book Award, Latin Award-Magna Cum Laude Latin III
Hannah Grant: Latin Award-Summa Cum Laude Latin I
Kayleigh Granville: Latin Award-Maxima Cum Laude Latin I
Michelle Green: Mount Holyoke College Book Award, Barnard College Book Award, Physics Book Award (Honors)
Anna Grillo: Newtown High School Internship Recognition, Latin Award-Summa Cum Laude Latin III
Jenna Hansen: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin I
Victoria Hanulik: Vassar College Book Award
Kamryn Harmeling: Denison University Book Award
Humza Hashmi: Latin Award-Summa Cum Laude Latin I
Austin Isola: Chemistry Book Award (CP)
Melissa Janco: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Andrew Jensen: Astronomy Book Award
Corey Katz: Newtown High School Internship Award
Suzanne Kerler: Biology Book Award (CP), Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin II
Caroline Kingsley: Biotechnology Book Award
Yossi Kohrman-Glaser: CAS Governorâs Scholar Award, American Mathematics Competition Award, Society of Women Engineers Award, Michaels Jewelers Award, PTSA Reflections Contest, Chemistry Book Award (AP)
Paige Kroha: Roast Magazine Poetry Category Third Place
Kiely Kuligowski: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Craig Landgrebe: Roast Magazine Short Story Category Second Place
Julia Lansing: Latin Award-Maxima Cum Laude Latin I
Heather Leone: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Alec Lockhart: University of Rochester Bausch and Lomb Science Award
Vikram Makayee: Environmental Science Book Award (AP)
Haley Malin: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Amy Martin: Wellesley College Book Award
Pieter Martino: Rensselaer Medal
Karan Marwah: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Amy McGurk: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin I
Patrick Milano: Arjun Mehta Memorial Scholarship
Ellen Moran: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin II
Patrick Mullins: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin III
Anna Northrop: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin II
Jennifer OâGrady: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Brandon OâSullivan: Earth Science Book Award (Honors)
Kelly OâSullivan: Gettysburg College Book Award
Nehar Patel: Latin Award-Magna Cum Laude Latin I
Aidan Pelisson: Latin Award-Summa Cum Laude Latin III
Emily Peters: Newtown High School Internship Award
Sarah Potter: Roast Magazine Poetry Category Second Place
Alexa Powell: Smith College Book Award
Michelle Rekofsky: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Alexa Reyes: Art Department Book Award
Ryan Rogers: Latin Award-Maxima Cum Laude Latin I
Stephanie Roman: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Richard Sadlon: Latin Award-Cum Laude Latin I
Allison Samson: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Lauren Sarna: Newtown High School Internship Recognition
Gavin Scallon: Latin Award-Summa Cum Laude Latin III
Aileen Sheluck: Biology Book Award (Honors)
Alexandra Shkreli: Norman D. McConnell Memorial Scholarship
Jacob Simonson: Roast Magazine Poetry Category First Place
Eric Song: University of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award
Samantha Steimle: Latin Award-Maxima Cum Laude Latin II
Sarah Stofko: Latin Award-Magna Cum Laude Latin III
Siyuan Sun: American Mathematics Competition Award
David Swigart: Harvard Club Book Award, World Affairs Forum & Future Global Leader Award
Emily Thermes: Art Department Book Award
Mary Vodola: Newtown High School Internship Award
Sean Watkins: St Michaelâs College Book Award
Katherine Wojcik: Latin Award-Summa Cum Laude Latin II
Jared Wray: Chemistry Book Award (CP)