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Discouraging News



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Discouraging News

To the Editor:

I have lived in Newtown for 18 years, and this year I have become very discouraged. First the owner-operators, then the letting go of some E/A’s [educational assistants]. It is hurting our children and the teachers.

Now the special education issue of burden of proof from the school to the parent(s) for special ed services. The parent(s) will have to prove the child needs service or services. It will be more difficult for parents to get their kid(s) the services they need.

Also raises given to the superintendent, assistant superintendent, and the director of business in this economy when people are being laid off, pay being frozen and losing overtime or having to get a second job to make ends meet.  Now we have a PR person since July. Recently it just came out that we have a PR person. We do not need one and we never had one previously. The superintendent is supposed to be able to communicate as part of her job. Just more waste of our money. The sum of $28,800 for a PR person and there is probably more hidden cost she is getting that we do not know about. This money could have been used on the E/A’s. This needs to stop. Just wait until we have to vote on the budget and the residents of Newtown vote it down. Then what? I am asking the BOE to take these concerns into account and changes need to be made ASAP. 

Karen Visca

30 Mile Hill South Road, Newtown                                       December 13, 2011

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