Curtiss & Crandon Contributes To Town Hall Seat Program
Curtiss & Crandon Contributes To Town Hall Seat Program
John Kolpfenstein, partner of Curtiss & Crandon Realtors in Newtown, presented a check to Lions Club member Kevin Corey for the purchase of a seat in the Edmond Town Hall Theatre.
Because many of the seats are in terrible condition, held together with wire or patched with duct tape, the Newtown Lions Club decided as its tercentennial project to replace all the lower level seats at a cost of $300 each and refurbish the balcony seats in the Edmond Town Hall.
Selling seats is the major way the Lions Club is trying to finance the estimated $150,000 cost of the project. Any people or organizations who buy a seat will have a plaque placed on the back of the seat listing the name of the donor, his or her company, or the name of someone the donor wishes to honor.
Buying a seat is not the only way to support the project. For example, the Newtown Junior Womenâs Club recently presented an entertaining afternoon program featuring Alex the Jester. Most of the profits of this successful event will be donated to the Lionsâ project.
Members of the Lions Seats Committee urge people to be creative. Getting together a neighborhood, a church group, a scout troop, or social friends to purchase a seat perhaps could provide some fun as well as benefit the project. Contributions of any size, however, are welcome. Anyone who has questions should call Gordon Williams at 426-6443.
Contributions may be sent to the Newtown Lions, attention G. Williams, PO Box 218, Newtown CT 06470. Checks should be made out to Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers, with a notation below that it is to go toward the seats replacement project. Checks made in this manner are tax deductible.