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Blame Without Facts



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Blame Without Facts

To the Editor:

It was hard to read John Karlson’s folksy “real look at this problem” of high gasoline prices: dem Dems in Congress! [Letter Hive, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” June 13,] A real “real look” might note that we’ve been suffering under a Republican administration for over seven years, that Congress has only been majority Democrat in the latter years of the Bush administration, and that even then, it has not been Democratic enough to override Bush vetoes. Clearly Mr Karlson is angry about high gas prices, looking for someone to blame, and not too worried about letting facts get in the way of placing the blame. For starters, let’s recall the war that was going to pay for itself through Iraqi oil, and wonder if there is any connection between that war, started under false pretenses, and our gas prices, the struggling economy, and the soaring deficit and debt. Think back seven years to the good old days of life under dem Dems: low gas prices, a healthy economy, and controlled spending.

He suggests the solution to our long-term energy consumption problem is the short-term drilling of US lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. As a former BLM employee, I can assure him that the various agencies that manage US lands have the responsibility to manage them for short-term and long-term interests, and for multiple use. Let’s hope that Democrats, and Republicans with the best interests of the American people of today and future generations in mind, don’t cave to the pressure to rush into massive drilling just to satisfy today’s gas guzzling lifestyle.

Jim Greenwood

10 Elm Drive, Newtown                                                   June 18, 2008

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