Hook & Ladder Fund Drive Unfair To Other Fire Companies
Hook & Ladder Fund Drive Unfair
To Other Fire Companies
To the Editor:
As volunteer firefighters for the United Fire Company of Botsford, we feel that the current solicitation telemarketing fund drive by Newtown Hook and Ladder is unfair to Botsford Fire volunteers, its local residents, and every other volunteer fire company in Newtown. They have decided to solicit donations from all Newtown residents, using a professional fundraising company, instead of just their own district in town.
Traditionally, each fire department collects donations only within their fire district designated by the Town of Newtown. Donations are usually collected directly by the organization so that all of the money collected actually goes to the cause. Newtown Hook and Ladder is one of five volunteer fire companies that provide fire protection for five separate areas of Newtown. If you respond to the solicitation donation telemarketing call and do not live in that district your local fire department will not benefit from your contribution, in addition to the fact that not all of the money collected goes to Hook and Ladder.
Hook and Ladder should only accept donations from residents they serve.
As volunteers we are all greatly appreciative of any donation you feel you can give. As your fire department in Botsford, we are currently on our own annual fund drive to raise funds for your local Botsford fire department. We are your neighbors! Just look for the yellow fire truck! Wouldnât you rather give donations directly to the volunteers that directly protect your residence 24 hours a day 365 days a year, in your own district? We thought so.
Thank you for your direct support to your Botsford fire department.
Gavin Arneth
Vice President
United Fire Company of Botsford
South Main Street, Newtown                                    July 15, 2003