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Newtown Resident Offers Political How-To Course At UNH



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Newtown Resident Offers Political How-To Course At UNH

West Haven — A class on how to, or how not to, run for political office is being offered by the Office of Continuing Education at the University of New Haven. The class is open to the public and will be held from 6 pm until 8 pm on Wednesday nights from March 18 through April 15. The class will be taught by Newtown resident and former selectman Gary Fetzer, a professor of political science at the University of New Haven with 25 years of experience in politics, public affairs, lobbying, and communications, and Matt Petrillo, current chairman of the Connecticut Blue 2 Political Action Committee, and experienced journalist and political consultant.

According to Mr Fetzer, there are five mistakes commonly made in local political campaigns. These include underestimating the amount of work and time required for a candidate and staff, misusing or underusing volunteers, not making a compelling, concise case for the candidate, underestimating the cost of even a small campaign, and ignoring or misusing voter data.

Class topics will include reasons to run for political office, what it takes to run and win, knowing your constituency, dealing with the media, meeting the voters, fundraising, debates and forums, and GOTV operations. Mr Fetzer and Mr Petrillo will offer concrete advice on how to avoid the common pitfalls, and note that the course is ideal for those considering or beginning political office, including town committee and board of education members, high school and college students, and campaign managers. Cost for the entire session will be $265. It is open to those belonging to any political party, as well as independents. For more information contact gfetzer@newhaven.edu or call 203-932-7212.

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