Now On View
Now On View
*Newtown resident and artisan Mike Agius has very kindly lent the library his beautiful collection of wooden bowls carved from locally sourced wood.
Our thanks go to Mike for sharing the results of his expertise with library patrons.
*Fellow Newtown resident Carole Lee Berlin has a display of Norman Rockwell Heritage Collection plates in the childrenâs department on the first floor of the library. Please enjoy Carole Leeâs collection, which is on view until March 31.
*Curator Mary Thomas would like to invite other residents of Newtown to share their collections with library patrons for display on a temporary basis. Please call the library if you are interested in sharing your special interest with others.
Programs For Children
*Register for Story Times: Registration for the next session of story hours for 3-5 year olds will take place March 17-24. Children must be at least 3 years old on or before March 29 and a resident of Newtown to be eligible for this free program.
Classes are offered on Monday and Tuesday at 10 am and on Monday and Wednesday at 1 pm. The six-week story time session begins the week of March 29 and ends the week of May 10.
Young Adult Programs
*Chess Lessons: Another series of three two-hour lessons, running 10:30 am to 12:30 pm on Saturday mornings, will commence March 20 and continue March 27 and April 10.
These lessons are for students ages 9-12, who must know how to move the pieces and the basic rules of chess. Instructor is US Chess Federation Expert Glenn Budzinski.
A $25 fee is payable at first class. Instructor: US Chess Federation Expert Glenn Budzinski. Registration can be done online or by calling the library.
*Battle of The Books Update: A practice round is planned for Wednesday, March 24, from 4 to 5 pm (snow date Thursday, March 25). At least one member of each team must attend.
*Creative Writing Group: Sign-ups are open for âCreative Writing: Mysteries and Adventure Thrillers,â which will meet on Thursday evenings starting April 1.
The group will be led by Julie Stern, assisted by Philip Kotch. The group will meet from 6 to 8 pm on five Thursdays, April 1, 8, 15 and 29 and May 6. There will be no class during school break, and a makeup date of May 20 is being held if needed.
There is a limit of ten students in grades 6-8. Participants are expected to attend all five sessions, and preference is given to Newtown students and residents. There is no fee. Sign up online or call the library for details.
*Drawing Workshop: Newtown artist and resident Suzanne Lang will offer another Basic & Perspective Drawing workshop on Saturday, April 17, from 12:30 to 2:30.
The program is limited to 15 students ages 10-18 (grades 5-12) who either live or attend school in Newtown. A $5 supply fee is payable at the program.
Students must register online at No previous drawing experience is required to enroll.
Adult Programs
*Help! Does anyone who subscribes to The Economist magazine want to donate their subscription to the library once theyâve finished with it?
We had a generous donor who helped us out in the past, but theyâve moved out of town, and so we no longer have copies available for our periodicals collection.
*Independent Film Series: Join us at 1 pm on Wednesday, March 24, for a screening of Mine (United States, 81 minutes).
*Be Bear Aware: Master Wildlife Conservationist and bear enthusiast Felicia Ortner will be presenting a program on black bears on Thursday, April 8, at 7 pm.
Felicia will dispel some of the myths associated with bears, provide natural history, information and talk about some of the results of the black bear research conducted by wildlife biologists in the state. Please register online or by calling the library.
C.H. Booth Library is at 25 Main Street in Newtown. Call 426-4533 or visit to register for any of the above listings, and for information on additional programs and offerings.