No Guts No Courage
No Guts No Courage
To the Editor:
Deciding whether an incumbent president deserves to be reelected should be a relatively easy task: just take a few minutes and check the record.
President Obama saved the automobile industry by plunging his hand deeply in your pockets and courting the Chinese for loans. No courage needed to do that.
President Obama refused to embrace the budget proposals of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Lack of common sense and courage.
Rather than telling us the truth about the mess in Afghanistan, President Obama took the easy way out by calling for a phase-out spread over a number of years. The truth is that, just like the Russians before us, we cannot win in Afghanistan, a country whose government is totally corrupt. Lack of courage and honesty.
Washington has been for the past couple of years in a total state of deadlock; our quarterback (the President) has once again failed to show leadership and courage.
While campaigning in 2008, US Senator Obama hammered the point that he would revamp our foreign policy and improve the image of the US worldwide, but four years later, it is obvious that nothing has changed. For example, our President has made zero progress in solving the Palestinian/Israeli stalemate, perhaps by fear of alienating some ethnic blocks who have traditionally supported the democratic ticket. No guts, no courage.
I rest my case.
Dom Nocturne
36 Key Rock Road, Newtown                                October 18, 2012