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MLS Camps bills itself as "more than a summer camping event - we are a year-round soccer experience, offering clinics and training services for hundreds of soccer organizations across the United States."



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MLS Camps bills itself as “more than a summer camping event – we are a year-round soccer experience, offering clinics and training services for hundreds of soccer organizations across the United States.”

The focus was on making it a fun experience – and through the skills drills and post-camp activities it was.

MLS Camps caters to soccer players of all ages (up to age 18) and currently serves more than 70,000 children in 1,300 communities across the United States. MLS Camps also works with highly reputable organizations such as England’s Football Association, SAY, JCC’s of America and various non-MLS teams across the United States.

More than 550 instructors across the United States are employed by MLS Camps. All hold appropriate licensing and certification – typically either the United States Soccer A or B license, the European Union Football Association A or B license, or NASC’s coaching certification.

Above, one group took a short timeout from drills to talk things over and wave to a wandering photographer.

Below right, one instructor tries to catch a younger camper with his “catch-head” game.

And below left, after all the drills and the practices the campers gather for a little simple fun - telling jokes and making each other laugh.





- Bee Photos, Harmon

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