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The following is a brief summary, by section, of major recommended changes to the Newtown Charter.



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The following is a brief summary, by section, of major recommended changes to the Newtown Charter.

1. 2-20 Added a statement informing unaffiliated electors how to be a candidate for elected office.

2. 2-30c Stated a method for political party candidates to win seats through election on the Board of Education rather than being guaranteed seats.

3. 2-50 Changes the term of office for the town clerk from two to four years.

4. 2-70 Increases the number of members of the Board of Education from six to seven members.

5. 2-130 Changes the name of the Board of Finance to Finance Advisory Board.

6. 4-01 A “Lame Duck” First Selectman is prohibited from making appointments from the date of the town election to the end of his term.

7. 4-70 The Parks and Recreation Commission may appoint ad hoc committees as the need arises.

8. 5-01 The Finance Director may renegotiate bond sales without bidding if advantageous to the town.

9. Various Sections — Change the number of affirmative votes required for Legislative Council action in order to simplify the voting process.

10. 6-11 Changes the date of the Annual Budget referendum from the fourth Tuesday in April to the second Tuesday in April.

11. 6-11 Eliminates one public budget hearing and establishes a joint Legislative Council/Finance Advisory Board Public Hearing before the Finance Advisory Board recommends a budget.

12. Special and Emergency Appropriation of $10 million or more must be decided by referendum.

13. 6-90 The town is permitted to manage budget surpluses as deemed to be in the best interest of the town.

14. 7-10 The 12 Legislative Council members to be elected from two districts instead of the current three.

15. 7-51 The Legislative Council has sole authority in the development of the CIP regulation and amending the same.

16. 7-70 The Annual Town Meeting is to be eliminated.

17. 7-80 The Legislative Council has the authority to approve special and emergency appropriation of $500,000 or less.

18. It is recommended that advisory question(s) be placed on the ballot for the annual budget referendum.

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