Drivers Under Age 18 Face Special Penalties
Drivers Under
Age 18 Face
Special Penalties
Town police are reminding the public about penalties and suspensions that may be lodged against drivers under age 18 who violate state law covering certain limitations on their driving privileges.
In a statement, Sergeant David Kullgren said that earlier this month, police responded to a motor vehicle incident in the Turkey Hill Road area.
Following an investigation, police determined that two drivers under age 18 had violated passenger restrictions and they were then charged with applicable offenses.
Both driversâ licenses were suspended for 48 hours. The two drivers will be the subject of state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) license suspension hearings at which their licenses may be suspended for longer periods, according to Sgt Kullgren.
Also, a third teenage driver involved in the incident was found to be driving with a learnerâs permit, but without a required instructor or parent in the vehicle, and was thus charged with applicable offenses.
Applicable laws on drivers under age 18 cover: passenger restrictions; curfew violations; the use of handheld cellphones and text messaging devices while driving; speeding; reckless driving, and street racing.
The laws list progressive levels of punishment for repeated offenses, including license suspensions and fines, plus license restoration fees.