Meet Your Neighbor At A Bonfire October 4
UPDATE (Tuesday, September 30, 2014: Please note this story has been updated to reflect a change in plans for refreshments for Saturday night’s event.
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Late morning sunlight skipped across a rippling Pootatuck River Tuesday morning. Newtown Newcomers & Neighbors (NNN) President Shari Wright watched the water flow by as she spoke of her group’s activities including an October 4 bonfire at 6:30 pm at Castle Hill Farm on Sugar Lane.
The autumn event will feature s’mores around the bonfire, and a hayride. The evening is BYOB.
Cost is $10 per nonmember family, which will be credited toward new membership. The annual club fee is $35. S’mores will be provided.
The bonfire evening is a means to attract new members and enjoy a community event, Ms Wright said.
Last year’s bonfire was for members only, but this year welcomes the community as an open house, said Ms Wright. The club, which was bigger years ago, has dwindled especially since an economic downturn in recent years, she said. Ms Wright is working to grow membership with “good events,” she said.
The Newtown Newcomers & Neighbors’ “primary goal” is to help people “socially connect,” and to raise civic awareness, Ms Wright said. Whether residents are new to town or not, “It’s a good way to get involved, a new way to meet people.”
Regarding club membership, as the name indicates, she said, “You don’t have to be new” to sign up. “It’s about social connections.”
Members range in age from their early 20s through 80-plus years old. Members coordinate activities such as book clubs, children’s activities, bridge, restaurant reviewers, ladies’ nights/men’s nights, walking groups, family- friendly activities, and more. The club also gives back to the community by supporting the local food pantry and adopting families during holiday season.
According to “Our organization welcomes both new residents, and those of you who have lived in town for any amount of time. We recognize that people are always looking to grow their interests and make new friends — and that’s what we a re all about.” About the activities offered through membership, the site states, “Trust us, there is something everyone will enjoy.”
The October 4 bonfire is free to NNN members. Send an e-mail to for more information or to RSVP. Checks from nonmembers should be made payable to NNN and sent to PO Box 3634, Newtown CT 06470.