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By Darlene Jackson



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By Darlene Jackson

The deadline for entering the 26th annual Bertram Stroock Tennis Tournament was Thursday (July 20), so draw sheets will be arriving soon to all those who entered. Now is the time for junior players to enter the NTA Junior Championships – the Victor Coopersmith Memorial Tournament.

See the entry form above.

Also, adult members of incoming members of the NTA are invited to a tennis party/barbecue on Saturday, July 29, at Dickinson Park. If you are not a member, but wish to be, you can sign up that night. The party starts at 5 pm and goes until sundown.

Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, tennis balls, and beverages will all be available, courtesy of the NTA. Guests, though, are asked to bring a salad or dessert and to please call Martin West at 364-0894 by Wednesday, July 26, for a reservation. A solid head count is needed to plan the food.

Also, a great number of people have signed up to participate in the Berlingo Summer Challenge. Five women are signed for advanced singles, five for intermediate singles, and seven teams for women’s doubles. Eleven men have signed for the advanced singles, seven for intermediate singles, six for senior singles, and seven teams for men’s doubles.

Nine teams are competing in mixed doubles.

There are designated matches in specific weeks and opponents must set up their own time and place to play, then report the scores. Not all the players are keeping up to date, so please remember to play those matches and to call Curt Logan at 270-0310 or Bill Meier at 426-8862 to report. You can also email scores to ntaweb@att.net. The winner (based on percentage of games won) in each division will receive recognition at the NTA annual meeting in October.

For those who want to see the standings, check the NTA web site at ntaweb.com or www.homestead.com/newtowntennis/files/index/htm.

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