Grangers from across the state are gathering at the Sheraton in East Hartford for the 116th annual session of the Connecticut State Grange, starting with the pre-session banquet on Wednesday, October 18, at 7 pm. Kermit W. Richardson, Master of the N
Grangers from across the state are gathering at the Sheraton in East Hartford for the 116th annual session of the Connecticut State Grange, starting with the pre-session banquet on Wednesday, October 18, at 7 pm. Kermit W. Richardson, Master of the National Grange, will be the guest speaker. UConn scholarships will be announced; also the Outstanding Farmer of the Year.
At 9 am Thursday, State Master Russell Gray will call the 116th session to order. Reports of officers will be heard. Special order of business will be election of officers for the next two years. Thursday evening will be the lecturerâs program, followed by the Past Deputies Raffle.
Friday will be the Insurance Breakfast, followed by more business. Friday afternoon is the CWA program. Friday evening the beautiful Sixth Degree. Saturday afternoon the juniors program and then the installation of officers for the next two years.