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Annual Prostate Cancer Screening And Education Program



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Annual Prostate Cancer Screening And Education Program

DANBURY — Danbury Hospital will conduct a prostate cancer screening and a Medical Town Meeting on “Prostate and Bladder Cancer” starting Tuesday, September 23.

The prostate cancer screening will be held Wednesday, September 24, and Thursday, September 25. It is recommended annually for men over 50, and after age 40 for those at high risk. Men with a family history of the disease are at high risk. African Americans are also at higher risk.

The Medical Town Meeting “Prostate and Bladder Cancer –– Beyond the Basics,” a free lecture to be held on Tuesday, September 23, from 7 to 8:30 pm, will take place at the Danbury Hospital auditorium, 24 Hospital Avenue. Featured speakers include Edward Beck, MD, Department of Surgery, Section of Urology, practicing physician, Urology Associates of Danbury, PC, and Noah Taylor, MD, Danbury Hospital Department of Radiology, Section of Radiation Therapy.

Patrice Hough of Newtown, manager of The Praxair Cancer Center at Danbury Hospital, will facilitate the evening program. Participants will receive free educational materials and answers to questions regarding the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate and bladder cancer.

The prostate cancer screening will be conducted at The Praxair Cancer Center at Danbury Hospital on September 24–25, from 6 to 8 pm. The Praxair Cancer Center is located on the first floor of the Stroock Building. Park free in the Red Parking Garage using the Locust Avenue entrance. Screening registration closes at 7:30 pm. The examination includes a risk assessment, physician exam, and a PSA blood test (a nominal fee will be charged).

For more information and directions to the Danbury Hospital Medical Town Meeting or prostate cancer screening, call the Marketing and Community Relations Department at 797-7247.

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