What Newtown Has Become
What Newtown Has Become
To the Editor:
My wife and I have lived in Newtown since 1986. We are avid readers, and donate our books to the C.H. Booth Library for use/sale for the annual book sale.
On Saturday, August 7, I drove to the library with two handled bags of hardback books and seven NTSC video movie tapes for donation. I left the bags at the donation area on the lower level, proceeded to the desk for a donation slip, and spent about 15 minutes looking for and checking out a book on spinning wheels and their repair.
As I proceeded down to the lower level to exit to the back parking lot, I passed the two paper bags I had left in the foyer. I glanced in the bags, and was shocked to see that three of the NTSC tapes of the Mel Gibson Mad Max trilogy were missing from the bag!
This is what Newtown has become? Maybe it is time to move to Albuquerque!
Ronald M. Kaderli
Dismayed in Newtown!
44 Mile Hill South, Newtown                                 August 16, 2004