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Goodbye To A Friend



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Goodbye To A Friend

To the Editor:

I was saddened by the news of death of “Joe the Barber” [Marino Pelino]. Newtown lost one of its greatest assets when “Joe” retired and now the world has lost a fine person.

To all that knew him, he was an old friend that always had the time to talk to you and he made you feel that he genuinely cared about what you had to say. He was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word, and a master at his craft, which many will think was as a barber, but I believe his finest attribute was as a human being. Always a kind word about everyone, never falling prey to “gossip” or rumor.

Everyone who entered the Village Barber Shop was welcomed as part of the “family” and was given the finest service that could be found anywhere, at any price. A fine person such as he will certainly be rewarded for his time spent here on earth. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this difficult time. I, and the Town of Newtown, are forever blessed to have known such a fine person. The end of an era perhaps,  hopefully a new journey for “Joe.” Goodbye my friend.

Peter A. Rustici

54 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook                              January 9, 2009

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