A Fun-Filled Week
A Fun-Filled Week
To the Editor:
Last week, another successful Ecumenical Vacation Church School was held at the Newtown United Methodist Church in Sandy Hook. Over 75 children, teens, and adults participated in a fun-filled week of crafts, recreation, music, and worship.
Weâd like to thank the many participants who helped make the week a success. They include Curtis Packaging, St Rose of Lima, Trinity Episcopal, Congregational Church of Newtown, Sue Vogelman, Kim Pearlman, Rae Steare, Barb Sibley, Rev Janice Touloukian, Rev Mel Kawakami, Rev E. Sue Klein, Rev J. Ignacio Ortigas, Lisa Marlin, Cara Pellicone, Beth Salaris, Katherine Whitaker, and Taylor Cutolo. In addition, the many youth volunteers who contributed their time, talent and energy before, during and after. Thank you so much!
Kathryn Wolf and Doris Samson
Co-Directors of EVCS-2011
197 Hanover Road, Newtown                                    August 16, 2011