Spring Passerine Migration Project
Spring Passerine Migration Project
SOUTHBURY â The April meeting of the Western Connecticut Bird Club will feature a slide-illustrated lecture concerning spring passerine migration at the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. Trevor Lloyd-Evans, a senior biologist at the Manomet Center for Conservation Science, will present the lecture.
The Conte refuge consists of major bird habitat locations on the lower Connecticut River and in Long Island Sound.
An expert in bird migration, Mr Lloyd-Evans is also an investigator and data manager for the migrant bird stopover habitat survey for the Conte Refuge.
The meeting will be on Thursday, April 19, at 7:30, at Rochambeau Middle School, on Peter Road. The public is welcome free of charge. For further information, call 860-868-7641 or 203-938-9165.