AISE Looking For Host Families
AISE Looking For Host Families
American Intercultural Student Exchange, Inc, is now seeking families to host high school age exchange students from over 23 countries for the 2001/2002 school year.
Students arrive in August to live with American host families and attend the local high school for the school year. These eager young people, between 15 and 18 years of age, speak English, have their own spending money, medical insurance, and the desire to participate as an active member of an American family.
Families have the opportunity to learn about other countries without leaving home. Prospective host families are interviewed by a program representative and assisted with the selection of their students. Host families provide a room and food for their students and a loving, supportive atmosphere where the students can discover American traditions and experience cross-cultural understanding.
Call AISE at 800-SIBLING (742-5464) or visit the Web site at to learn more about hosting an exchange student.