A Neighborhood Warning
A Neighborhood Warning
To the Editor:
On Wednesday, June 30, Carol Lawsonâs 14-year-old female cat was attacked viciously by two dogs as she lay sleeping on her porch. She died that evening.
Officer Jerri Breyan of Canine Control tracked the dogs in the vicinity of Joan Drive, Bari Drive, Pebble Road, and Melody Lane, but was unable to catch them. She described them. One was medium/large white pit bull mix with reddish brown spots (something like a cowâs markings) that wore a brown collar. The second dog was white with black specks on back and also had collar. Possibly a pointer.
These dogs are dangerous and hopefully they can be stopped before they kill another animal. If you know anything about them please call Officer Jerri Breyan at 426-6900.
Patricia Thompson
4 Melody Lane, Newtown                                                   July 6, 2004