Transportation Plan Listening Session Set For December 11
The Sandy Hook-based Western Connecticut Council of Governments (WestCOG) is working on an update of the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Housatonic Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and South Western Region MPO.
Per federal requirements, each MPO must prepare a Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) every four years, which is a prerequisite for federal transportation funding. The LRTP serves as a guide for developing a transportation system that is accessible, safe, and reliable, thereby contributing to a higher quality of life for the region’s residents.
During the development of the LRTP, many topics are studied to better understand emerging demographic and transportation trends in the region. Understanding these demands allows the region to identify short- and long-term investments that will enhance the transportation system.
Based on findings from the data analysis as well as feedback from the public and municipalities, the LRTP will develop investment strategies to guide transportation improvements.
WestCOG will be hosting a series of public listening sessions to discuss the LRTP with members of the public in the region. The purpose of these sessions is to hear experiences and perspectives on the region’s transportation system from its users.
The organization is holding one of these public sessions in Newtown on Tuesday, December 11, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, in the community meeting room of C.H. Library, 25 Main Street.
For more information about WestCOG, the LRTP, and to see scheduled listening sessions, visit [naviga:u][/naviga:u] or call/fax 475-323-2060 for updates.
WestCOG is in the process of scheduling other sessions, and to receive periodic updates in by e-mail, sign up for the LRTP mailing list through [naviga:u][/naviga:u].
In addition to these listening sessions, feedback can also be given through the WestCOG website and during formal public hearings on the plans, which will take place in spring 2019. WestCOG looks forward to meeting with residents of, workers in, and visitors to the region for a conversation about transportation in Western Connecticut.
For language assistance or other accommodations, contact Western Connecticut Council of Governments at least five business days prior to the meeting at [naviga:u][/naviga:u].