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E-Z Pass For Queen Street?



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To the Editor:

Perhaps eliminating the humps and converting lower Queen Street into a toll road would reduce traffic sufficiently to satisfy residents, who naturally would have scanable resident ID cards, as has been suggested by a previous writer.

For the rest of us E-ZPass toll collection readers and video cameras would allow passage.

For those of you without E-ZPass you obviously don’t belong on this stretch of privileged, public-funded roadway.

I have an E-ZPass toll tag which I normally use on the Mass Pike, New York bridges, and the New Jersey Turnpike, but I am willing to use it on Queen Street if this will eliminate the suspension jarring bumps.

And while considering road safety, how about taking a look at an obviously less politically empowered but particularly dangerous stretch, the intersection of The Boulevard and Church Hill Road across from Chase Bank.

With traffic feeding from three other directions, turning left from The Boulevard onto sight limited Church Hill Road during rush hours is like playing Russian roulette with three chambers loaded. Other times it is just scary.

Jim Wright

Tamarack Road, Newtown                     July 22, 2013

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