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A Leader Who Listens



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A Leader Who Listens

To the Editor:

I am the executive director of the Valley Council of Governments and am writing in support of Senator Dodd’s reelection.

In 1990, as executive director, I wrote a letter to Senator Dodd regarding my ideas on ownership of housing for low- to mid-income people and about the new transportation bill that affected our region. Senator Dodd wrote back and invited me to meet with his chief of staff in Washington, which I did. Many of my ideas were incorporated into a bill from Senator Dodd’s Housing Subcommittee to help create an “ownership society” way before President Bush thought of it in the current campaign.

I am sure that these ideas weren’t just from me, but the fact that he took the time to write me back and set up the meeting was significant. Also, in this time we hear that President Bush is thinking of vetoing the new transportation bill and greatly short-changing Connecticut. We need a senator in a leadership position to fight for funds for our housing and transit needs.

Senator Dodd is a proven leader and fighter for Connecticut, and, more importantly, he will listen to you.

Richard S. Eigen

5 Johnny Appleseed Drive, Sandy Hook              September 13, 2004

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