Hearing Loss Discussed During 'Lunch & Learn' Presentation
Masonicare at Newtown hosted a Lunch & Learn program to educate people about hearing loss and hearing aids on Thursday, June 16.
Hillary Lewis, a doctor of audiology at Masonicare Health Center, presented "Lunch & Learn: Hear & Now," covering some of the warning signs of hearing loss, the hearing test process, hearing aids and effective communication strategies for those with trouble hearing.
"Hearing loss has been cited at the third most common health-related problem," Dr Lewis said. "One of every four households in the US has a member who is hearing impaired."
Dr Lewis explained some signs that may indicate hearing loss include feeling as though others are mumbling, needing for things to be repeated and friends and family complaining that the television is too loud. She also recommended that people get regular hearing screenings to detect changes in hearing, and if someone has noticed a change in his or her hearing, complete a diagnostic hearing test for more information.
Hearing loss leads to a lower quality of life, Dr Lewis said, but a "vast majority" of people can benefit from the amplification of sound through hearing aids. She also explained how hearing aid technology varies and different people require different types of hearing aids.
"Your hearing is as unique as your fingerprint," Dr Lewis said.
Additionally she spoke about effective ways to improve communication, including reducing background noise, looking at each other when speaking, and speaking clearly but not necessarily loudly.
Masonicare at Newtown, 139 Toddy Hill Road offers Lunch & Learn programs once a month, in which a free lunch is served, Director of Community Services Audrey Grove said.
Call 203-426-5847 for more information.