Program Schedules
Program Schedules
The American Cancer Society 2011 Look Goodâ¦Feel Better programs are part of a nationwide network of free sessions teaching female cancer patients beauty techniques to help restore their appearance and self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
Offered locally in comprehensive cancer centers, hospitals and other community settings, the Look Good Feelâ¦Better Program is available to Newtown residents, or anyone they know who might benefit from these services.
During each two-hour session, cosmetologists teach women how to cope with skin care changes and hair loss using cosmetics and skin care products donated by the cosmetics industry. Each Look Goodâ¦Feel Better participant receives a free kit of cosmetics, valued at $200, for use during or after the workshop.
Look Goodâ¦Feel Better was founded and developed in 1989 by the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) Foundation, a charitable organization supported by the cosmetic industry. Sessions are presented in cooperation with the American Cancer Society and the National Cosmetology Association (NCA), a national organization that represents hairstylists, wig experts, estheticians, markup artists, and other professionals in the cosmetic industry.
All cosmetology volunteers attend a certification class to become a Look Goodâ¦Feel Better volunteer. Local hospitals offering the program include:
Danbury Hospitalâs Praxair Cancer Center, the second Monday of every month, beginning at 10 am;
New Milford Hospital, New Milford, beginning at 6 pm the following Mondays: February 21, May 16, August 15, and November 21;
Bridgeport Hospital, Mondays, January 10, at 10 am; March 14, at 5 pm; May 16, at 10 am; July 11, at 5 pm (this session will run just 90 minutes, ending at 6:30); September 19, at 10 am; and November 7, at 5 pm (also ending at 6:30).
Norma Pfriem Breast Cancer Center, Bridgeport, beginning at 2:30 pm the following Tuesdays: March 29, June 28, September 27 and December 13;
St Vincentâs Medical Center, Bridgeport, beginning at 1 on the following Thursdays: February 10, April 14, June 9, August 11, October 13 and December 8; and
The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center, Waterbury, the first Monday of each month, except July 11 and September 12, each starting at 2 pm.
Call 800-ACS-2345 (800-227-2345) to confirm date, time, location, and registration. Other dates may be announced. To learn more about the ACS, or to get help, call any time, day or night, at 800-227-2345 or visit