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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

What The Citizens Want



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What The Citizens Want

To the Editor:

Yes, Mr Karnoff, Newtown is a great place to live, raise your children, and enjoy your life — been here 20 plus years myself.

Now about the Same Sex Unions; the bottom line sir, is that this will end up in court and the judges will allow Same Sex Marriages.

Now using your hypothetical, this [could] change your and my marriage. This law might allow, marriage between first cousins, marriage with underage children (believe you may have some), polygamy, and any of the other boxes Pandora is holding.

In defense of my marriage vows I guess I am a bigot, and I wear that scarlet letter proudly.

We who believe in unions between a man and a woman cannot understand why our state lawmakers did not let its citizens decide via a statewide vote on this issue — can you Mr Karnoff? Would you have liked to make your wants noted in the voting booth on such an issue? Would you have liked to tell your children the side you stood on — this sir, is what we bigots are talking about. Why are our freedoms being taken away by lawmakers that feel they know best about what we the citizens want?

John Karlson

167 Great Quarter Road, Sandy Hook                             May 9, 2005

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