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Wednesday night the five members of the Legislative Council's subcommittee on education worked at arriving at a bottom line figure for the education budget which will be presented to the council as a whole for consideration. If the council were to



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Wednesday night the five members of the Legislative Council’s subcommittee on education worked at arriving at a bottom line figure for the education budget which will be presented to the council as a whole for consideration. If the council were to approve the subcommittee’s recommendation of a bottom line figure arrived at on Wednesday, the education budget would be presented to the town at a figure of $8,200,000, an 11 percent increase over this past year’s figure of $7,450,455.


 Alvah R. Cramer, principal of Newtown High School, has proudly announced that Douglas S. Darrow has been named valedictorian and Rebecca M. Hannah salutatorian of the class of 1978.


Paul Hancock, director of Housatonic Cable Vision, New Milford, hopes to start installing television cable in Newtown before the end of the year. Full installation should be complete by early next year, he guesses, with half of the residents of Newtown having access to the service.


The Newtown Jaycees Annual Easter Egg Hunt originally scheduled for Saturday, March 18, has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 25, from 10 to 11 am. Rescheduling became necessary due to last Thursday’s snowstorm.


Four months ago Newtown Friends of Music was founded to establish a concert series devoted entirely to classical music. Program planning was to be focused on small ensembles and soloists, both singers and instrumentalists. As a showcase for performances on this scale, the auditorium of Newtown’s Edmond Town Hall was considered most suitable. After much organizational planning, Friends of Music, now incorporated as a nonprofit organization, is pleased to announce the presentation of a four part Sunday afternoon concert series during 1978–79.


It appears that there soon will be another group of town employees joining a union. The three clerks and the five dispatchers, civilian employees of the police department, met on Monday, March 20, with a state Department of Labor representative to discuss the petition which the eight had filed earlier this month, indication their interest in having union representation.


A Connecticut Department of Transportation study of bridges in the state which carry town roads over railroad lines has resulted in good news for the Town of Newtown. Eight of the nine such bridges in town were included on a priority list of structurally deficient bridges in a report filed with the General Assembly last month.

MARCH 27, 1953

Endorsement of House Bill 1452, providing licensed physicians with the legal right to protect the lives of married women through prescribing methods for temporary prevention of pregnancy, was given this week by the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, in anticipation of a public hearing on the bill in Hartford next Wednesday, April 1.


Ann and Kathe Coleman, daughters of Mr and Mrs Edward Coleman of Taunton Hill Road, will play a piano duet at the Music Education League, Inc auditions this Saturday, March 28, at Steinway Concert Hall, New York City.


The importance of the new power dam in the Housatonic River, labeled the “Shepaug Project” in providing power for future development of the area was stressed by Quentin Q. Quinn, industrial power engineer of the Connecticut Light and Power Company, in a talk on the project at a meeting of the Newtown Rotary Club, held Monday evening at Hawley Manor.


Pfc John Watkins, US Army, son of Mr and Mrs Reginald S. Watkins of Sandy Hook, arrived home Tuesday, March 17, and was to be discharged this Friday.


Definite action was taken at the special Borough meeting held Friday evening in the Alexandria Room of the Edmond Town Hall, when it was voted to adopt recommendations on zoning made by a special committee which had been studying the subject since it was appointed for that purpose following a public hearing held in the Borough on February 27.


The well-patronized bi-weekly dances of the Sandy Hook Fife and Drum Corps held in Edmond Town Hall gymnasium, provide the only funds at the present time for the purchase of uniforms and instruments, and for instructors’ fees, according to Mrs John Qubick, one of the organizers of the series.


Miss Mary Carroll, daughter of Mr and Mrs Patrick Carroll of Meadow Road, has been named a Senior Durant Scholar at Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.

MARCH 23, 1928

The March meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held on Thursday night in the Hurd building at Sandy Hook, with 75 men in attendance.


The Men’s Club had a very fine meeting at the Parker House, Tuesday night, with John C. Beers as host. After a very appetizing dinner, Dr W.J. McLaughlin of Bridgeport was introduced, who gave a very interesting talk covering his trip to Europe last summer.


A.E. Bevans of Dodgingtown has taken the agency for the Reo cars and trucks.


David Saltzman has just purchased a new Chevrolet truck for his cattle business.

MARCH 27, 1903

At a meeting of the trustees of the Savings Bank on Saturday last, a semi-annual dividend of 2 per cent, on deposits of $1,000 and under, and of 1¾ percent on deposits of over $1,000, was declared.


Miss Emma Wilson pleasantly entertained a party of her young friends Thursday evening. Games and music helped to entertain.


An interesting and commanding figure has passed out of local life in the death on Sunday afternoon of Charles Henry Peck. Mr Peck had been in failing health for a year with rheumatic difficulties, but his illness did not assume a serious state till some three months ago.

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