New Series Of Krav Maga For Seniors Forming
NYA Sports & Fitness Center (NYA) and Friends of Newtown Seniors (FONS) will offer a new series of Krav Maga For Seniors in the autumn.
Britt Soden of Connecticut Krav Maga will present six classes, beginning Friday, September 14, at NYA, 4 Primrose Street. Sessions will continue weekly through November 2 and will meet each week from 11 am until noon. Cost is $52 per person.
Krav Maga is a form of self-defense developed in Israel and is now used in the training of armed forces and police around the world.
Mr Soden has two decades of experience in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In was not until 2005, however, that he found Krav Maga, which changed his approach to the martial arts. He has since earned his black belt, and he is currently the only Krav Maga practitioner in Connecticut to hold that rank.
Seniors who have previously taken this program speak highly not only of the Krav Maga as valuable set of skills, but also of Mr Soden's approach and presentation of the information.
The series is open to all, regardless of whether or not they are members of NYA. No previous martial arts training is necessary.
To register or for additional information, e-mail, leave a message at 203-430-0633, or send a note to Friends of Newtown Seniors, PO Box 413, Newtown CT 06470. Registration can also be done at NYA's Fitness Desk (upstairs) or by visiting
Angela Krana makes a focused punch toward the sparring cushion being held by John Boccuzzi Sr during a Krav Maga for Seniors class at NYA Sports & Fitness Center in March 2017. A new session is being scheduled for the autumn, and Britt Soden will again return to lead the series co-hosted by NYA and Friends of Newtown Seniors.
-Bee file photo
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