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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Lakeview Terrace Neighbors Step Up



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To the Editor:

Lakeview Terrace and the entire Cedarhurst area were slammed by Tuesday's tornado. Almost every home suffered some damage, and many are destroyed. Cars, boats, and trucks were smashed. The outlet was blocked until Wednesday afternoon, and even then, there were so many snapped poles and wires down that it was not entirely safe to use the road. Many families and family members were trapped in and out of the street, and no one had power.

A group of residents went out with chainsaws Tuesday evening and worked 24 hours straight to clear everything they could. Without their efforts, we would all have been trapped here for much longer. Neighbors with generators shared water, showers, and food, and people who lost much had only one question: Are you okay?

It's now Sunday, and most are still without power. Some people still can't drive to their homes, and have to park up the street and carry goods in and out. I haven't heard anyone complain or whine - everyone is just moving forward. The chainsaws are still going 24/7, and it's going to be a long time before we have a sense of "normal." But I want to thank everyone who has been out there helping and caring. Lakeview Terrace may never be the same, but with the energy and attitude I've seen, we will recover and be better than ever.

Cindy Joyce

106 Lakeview Terrace, Sandy Hook May 20, 2018

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