Heartfelt Sympathy
Heartfelt Sympathy
To the Editor:
Losing oneâs house in a fire is of course devastating but in most cases can be replaced. But personal possession can never be replaced.
Both my wife, Irene, and I empathize with our good friend Julia Wasserman with her tremendous loss. I have been very fortunate to know Mrs Wasserman for more than 25 years and have visited her several times. Her antiques, her paintings are a loss not only to her but to all her many friends that enjoyed their display. Of course the loss of her photos and other memorabilia especially those of her late husband, Lou, cannot be shared by anyone else as deeply as Julia. For this especially we would like to express our heartfelt sympathy to Julia Wasserman.
This wonderful person has involved herself in so many areas each being for the betterment of people and of the town. Iâve never known Julia Wasserman not to have time to listen or discuss a problem. No one deserves to experience such a calamity, but especially Julia.
George Arfaras
8 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook                                                                                                 May 14, 2004