Another Climate Change Fraud
To the Editor,
It is unfortunate that the climate change, global warming fanatics have infected our local political scene, as evidenced by the actions this week of imposing a tax on plastic shopping bags. These are the same chicken little fanatics who have been claiming for the past 40 years the world is coming to an end. First, in the 1970s, it was overpopulation that never happened. Then, when that fraud did not work, it was Al Gore who predicted the end of the world in ten years. Now they have transitioned to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who has given the world 12 years left to survive. Does anyone but me see this pattern of lies, fraud, and deceit?
Now we are expected to believe that plastic bags, and soon plastic straws, are the next items comparable to nuclear weapons that will bring about the end of the world and all its species. Along with the indoctrination of the youth and citizens of Newtown with this propaganda, what is most concerning is that people in responsible positions of town government buy into the fanatics spewing this garbage by imposing another tax burden on us.
My suggestion to the reasonable voters of Newtown is to visit [naviga:u][/naviga:u] and [naviga:u][/naviga:u] if you want to learn the truth about the climate change fraud that is going on worldwide and now locally. Come election time, let us hope that some reasonable, rational people can be elected to the Legislative Council.
Ernest Vitarbo
20 Turkey Hill Road, Newtown June 11, 2019