Story Was A Hurtful Thing
Story Was
A Hurtful Thing
To the Editor:
This letter is in response to the story on December 31, 2004, concerning the death of my brother Joseph Lucsky. As I read it I thought I was reading the National Enquirer or at best the New York Post, certainly not The Newtown Bee. I cannot understand why the story was even in the paper, let alone the graphic details in it. This seems like sensational type reporting.
He committed no crime; he hurt no one but himself. No one except my brother and God knew what was in his mind for the last few tragic hours of his life and it should have been left at that. I feel that The Bee has done a very hurtful thing and should apologize to his wife and my family as well as the hundreds of mourners who loved him. We will always miss him and love him. That article was trash reporting and totally uncalled for.
Peter Lucsky
47 Liberty Avenue, Danbury                                    January 2, 2005