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Goals For The Future



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Goals For The Future

To the Editor:

The Newtown Council of PTA/PTSAs would like to announce our goals for the near future and to invite anyone who is interested to please join us. As a council that consists of PTA/PTSA officers and delegates from all seven Newtown schools, we will work to advocate for the children of our community. While there are many important issues to address, we have chosen three that are of particular significance at this time: 1) townwide decisions on space needs, in particular at the high school, and other Capital Improvement Plan items; 2) increasing participation of parents in PTA and Newtown issues; 3) having more impact on budgetary decisions and elections.

The council subcommittees for these issues are forming now. First meetings will take place as follows: 1) townwide issues/space needs will meet Wednesday, January 18, at 9:30 am. at 38 Charter Ridge Drive home of Po Murray, 270-8774; 2) increasing participation will meet on Tuesday, January 17, at noon at My Place Restaurant; 3) budget group will meet on Friday, January 13, at 1 pm at 7 Yogananda Street, home of Sarah Beier, 364-1988.

We welcome and encourage your participation. Many of you want to make a difference but have time limits. These committees are a perfect way to help.

Also join us for our next council general membership meeting on February 7, 9:30 am ,at 31 Peck’s Lane Conference Room (Newtown and Board of Education offices).

Please call 364-1988 or email yogamama5@yahoo.com for additional info.

Thank you!

Sarah Beier, PTA/PTSA Council President

7 Yogananda Street, Sandy Hook                          January 11, 2006

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