Grateful, And Pleased, For Respect Shown To The Flag
Grateful, And Pleased,
For Respect Shown To The Flag
To the Editor:
This year again I was happy to accept the invitation from my brother Knights of Columbus to march with them in the Labor Day Parade. This parade is a great tradition honoring the working men and women of our country. It is always an honor and privilege to be a part of our Orderâs support for our treasured country, whether it is on a national, state, or local level.
I felt I needed to write this letter because last year, my first year in the parade, my letter pointed out the lack of respect by the police officers, in uniform, for the passing of the American flag. This year was entirely different; every officer we passed came to attention and saluted the flag. I congratulate not only the officers who were on duty during the parade but the whole department for correcting this lack of protocol. They are to be commended for realizing that as members of the department they lead by example, especially when in uniform. Letâs hope their example is recognized by the public and taken to heart and followed.
Iâd also like to thank and congratulate the handful of men, obviously veterans, who had the courage and respect to stand and remove their hats as the flag passed them during the parade.
Kevin Donovan
20 Pepperidge Road, Monroe                                 September 6, 2007