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Parting With Some Shots (And The Meter Running)



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Parting With Some Shots

(And The Meter Running)

To the Editor:

The atmosphere’s been somber for the Newtown libs for weeks.

Their pessimism flourished via talking points, quite meek.

The Old Gray Lady’s market share has sprung a fatal leak.

Yet Karnoff/Lerman and their ilk of this they cannot speak.

They choose instead to propagate their hatred of the right,

Claiming an exclusive hold on feelings and insight.

An optimistic letter prompted them to pick a fight.

They see no reason to buck up. America’s full of blight.

The Old Gray Lady’s more today of a younger, spoiled brat

Wanting federal monies spent on socialistic fat.

Krugman, Friedman, Dowd, and Rich take weekly turns at bat.

Despite this frequent onslaught, real Americans have stood pat.

More good news is The New York Times won’t be around for long.

Their editors lack reason. Their editorials are wrong.

The Sulzbergers’ days are numbered as their readership declines,

Despite DailyKos/MoveOn.org caterwauls and whines.

Optimism-hater Bobby Karnoff opined thus:

Our withdrawal from Iraq will likely be nonvictorious.

Though painful, I must say it, I must elevate this cuss

To Cranky Crenshaw. He’s earned the name, he’s past a Gloomy Gus.

Agnew linked the zeitgeist of his time to a negative mob.

Nattering this gloom, he claimed, was many a nabob.

Our community in 2008 has filled a similar job,

With Sandy Hook’s Bobby Karnoff. By the way, don’t call him Bob.

Presumably ol’ Newtown’s had enough of this discourse,

Towards that end, I here sign off, expressing no remorse.

Should Karnoff/Lerman wish to contact me in my wigwam

They can do so at bkrmd93@hotmail.com.

Brendan Duffy

4 Chestnut Knoll Drive, Sandy Hook                          August 3, 2008

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