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Don't Let The Bottom Line Drive Every Decision



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Don’t Let The Bottom Line

Drive Every Decision

To the Editor:

Regarding a military base for the Fairfield Hills property, our selectmen recently said that no one connected to such a base would eat here, no one would shop here. I am a lifelong resident of Newtown, and I am a member of the Connecticut National Guard. I eat here and shop here, and my spouse and children do the same. I don’t know how many National Guardsmen and Reservists live here in Newtown, but if you add these service members together with their children and their extended families, it’s probably a respectable number (not to mention all Newtown veterans and military retirees).

Newtown is great at honoring our veterans. Last year we dedicated our plaque to the Newtown veterans of the Gulf War, and it was a wonderful and selfless event for the town. Now it’s time for Newtown to step up and consider some piece of property in town for the needs of our state military infrastructure. I agree that the High Meadows at Fairfield Hills is probably not the best location for a military facility as it is an amazingly beautiful piece of land situated over an aquifer — a true gift from God. However, with over 60 square miles of land, isn’t there somewhere else in Newtown our military might build a badly needed and modern facility?

I happen to be doing my military service these days (once a month or so) in Niantic. I often eat my lunch and/or dinner in Niantic, and I occasionally do some shopping or catch a movie there as well. Our full-time National Guard staff in Niantic uses the local restaurants and shops a lot more than I do, and they have a great relationship with the town of Niantic. This positive and mutually supporting relationship could easily happen here in Newtown as well. If every town in the state says “not in my back yard,” where will that leave our National Guard and Reserve?

As a member of our military, I would like to think that every one of us would be connected to a military facility here in Newtown in one fashion or another. Most people in our military are motivated by service and love of country — our military people make good examples and good neighbors; we do not make policy. Our military is ranked first in respect in the eyes of the American people. If we in Newtown let “the bottom line” drive every one of our decisions then we are leaving little room for the ideas of selfless service for the greater good of our state and our country.

Bob Knapp

10 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook                               February 6, 2009

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