Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd follows a man who seeks revenge after learning his wife poisoned herself after being ill-used by a local judge.
Stephen Sondheimâs Sweeney Todd follows a man who seeks revenge after learning his wife poisoned herself after being ill-used by a local judge.
In posts on the high schoolâs blog, the production has been described as a thriller without gore, a school edition of the musical.
Performances of the musical are set for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 15â17, at 7 pm. On Sunday, March 18, the production will be at 2 pm.
Reserved tickets cost $16, general admission for the performance will cost $14, and tickets for seniors and students are set for $12.
To reserve tickets, call 203-364-4534 or email
Local seniors are invited to see the production on Wednesday, March 14. A light meal will also be served at 5 pm with the show scheduled to be put on at 6 pm. To reserve a space for the event call 203-270-7998. The lunch and production will be free for the seniors in attendance on March 14.