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45 Main Street



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45 Main Street

Newtown, CT 06470

PHONE: 270-4340; FAX: 270-4333


The Newtown Hikers will open the fall hiking season on Saturday, September 3, at the Pound Ridge Reservation in New York. Hike starts at 9 am (first meeting at lower rear parking lot of the Newtown Town Hall). There is an $8 entrance fee per car. Hike leader is Dave Wesley (203-438-1459).

Here is the fall schedule –

September 10: Bish Bash Falls in Copake, New York, day long, difficult but beautiful – leader Ildiko Gramling, 203-263-0086.

September 17: Gay City, Hebron – leader Pat Callan, 203-264-2153.

September 24: Kettletown Trail, Southbury – leader Dale Rupert, 203-794-9350.

October 1: Chaioala Park in Patterson, New York. Dogs okay, moderate hike – leader Liz Cowan, 845-878-6104.

October 8: Minnewaska State Park in New York. Ten-mile hike, all day, dinner in local restaurant – leader Tim Hanbury, 203-888-3025.

October 15: Squantz Pond Trail, New Fairfield – leader Betty Horton, 860-354-7526.

October 22: Topsmead State Park. Includes tour of old homestead, Litchfield area – leader May Jo Zemitis, 203-263-3683.

October 29: Saugatuck Reservoir new trail in Redding – leader Jack Donlon, 203-966-8421.

November 5: Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York City. Full Day. Depart Newtown At 10:30 am. Bring lunch to eat on train. Arrive 12:35 pm Walk Fifth Avenue and Central Park to Museum (five miles round trip). Estimated cost for train, admission and dinner is $55 for adults and $43 for seniors – leader Molly Schleis, 203-748-7347.

November 12: Camp Smith Trail, Bar Mountain, New York – leader Evelyn Schonberg, 203-426-0425.

November 19: White Memorial, Litchfield. Thru hike and back – leader Claire Sivacek, 203-744-0086.

November 26: Al’s Trail, Newtown – leader Sawsan Ali, 203-426-8911.

December 3: Sherwood Island State Park in Westport (beach walk) – leader Jacob Baker, 203-748-5907.

December 10: End of year Pot Luck Luncheon and short hike. Hosted by Maureen Markelon (203-888-3113). Call her for directions and food coordination.

Newtown hikers is an open group welcoming anyone interested in hiking and the outdoors. There is no membership fee. To receive the mailing of hiking schedules all year, send $3 with your name and address to Claire Sivacek, 114 Stadley Rough Road, Danbury 06811 or email request to ester@pilgrim555@sbcglobal.net. Hikers participate at their own risk and must sign a release for the Newtown Parks and Recreation Deptarment. If you want to meet the group at a different point, please call the listed leader. Also, call the leader if the weather is doubtful. All hikes are moderate unless otherwise stated and last three to five hours (plus driving time). Children are welcome if accompanied by adults. Bring lunch and beverages. Sturdy shoes or boots are recommended. Dress for the weather. For further information call Ester Nichols at 203-788-1398 or Parks and Recreation at 270-4340.

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