Calling All New Moms
Calling All New Moms
Newtown Youth Services is sponsoring a New Mothers Support Group that will meet on Fridays from noon to 1 pm from February 18 through April 7.
Many new mothers feel isolated because major changes in their daily routine make it difficult to stay in close contact with friends and colleagues. Yet just when their normal social schedule is disrupted, their need for a strong network of support is often greater than ever.
Newtown Youth Services is offering new mothers an opportunity to get together with others who share their concerns. Specific issues relating to parenting, the development process, and the need for self-nurturing will be chosen each week to reflect the interests of the participants.
 Mothers with children 18 months and younger are invited to come with their child, bring a lunch, and join in the discussion.
Co-leaders Addie Sandler and Nina Allred have experience in group counseling and parenting instruction.Â
Meetings will be held in the Parentsâ Corner at Newtown Youth Services, 41-A Main Street. For more information or to register call the NYS office at 270-4335.