27th Annual Tree Lighting Memorials
27th Annual Tree Lighting Memorials
The Newtown Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a fundraising drive for the 27th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and luminarias display that will be presented at Ram Pasture on Friday, December 2.
Donors may also contribute $10 for a bulb or luminaria to honor someone special. Donations will be accepted until the end of December.
Donations should be mailed to Tree Lighting Committee co-chair Diana Johnson at 26 Parmalee Hill Road, Newtown CT 06470. Mrs Johnson can be reached for additional information by calling 203-426-5418.
 To Honor                                                            Donor                               Tree        Luminaria
Anthony Moreno......................................... Lee Moreno Lesser ................................................. 2
Don Shanley.............................................. Ed & Arlene Shanley................................................ 1
Emma & Raymond Sandner........... Michael & Marcia Sandner............... 1
Everett Petersen................................ Michael & Marcia Sandner............... 1
Greg Chion................................................... The Chion Family ...................... 1
Mary Masten .................................................. Linda Rogers ........................... 1
Frank E. Johnson.............................. Barbara Johnson & Family .............. 1
Jean McGrath ......................................... The Martinez Family................................................ 1Â Â Â Â
Charles & Ethel Tanger................... Wayland & Diana Johnson.......................................... 1Â Â Â
Noel & Margaret Johnson ............... Wayland & Diana Johnson .............. 1
Donald Jackson ........................................... Darlene Jackson.................................................... 1
Newtownâs First Responders................ Brian & Kristin Solt................................................. 1
Our Troops Overseas .............................. Brian & Kristin Solt .................... 1
Hromyak & Stockalis families............. Al & Janet Stockalis..................... 1........................ 1
Emmy Farrell................................................. Evelyn Farrell........................... 2