Change Signage For I-84
Change Signage For I-84
To the Editor,
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I sent to Representative Wasserman on March 10, 2000. To date I have not received a reply and would like you to publish it in The Bee as an open letter.
It seems to me one of the reasons for Wasserman Way was to alleviate traffic on Main Street. A simple way to accomplish this is to have correct signage on I-84. It should not take two years for the state to accomplish this.
Dear Representative Wasserman:
The time has arrived to force the issue with the state DOT to change some signs on I-84.
The by-pass road, Wasserman Way, has been open too long for eastbound travelers on I-84 to be directed 4 different times to take exit 9 for Route 25 south instead of exit 11 and the bypass road. The westbound directions are even more ludicrous. A half mile before exit 10 there is sign telling southbound trucks to proceed to exit 9 for Route 25 south because of the low clearance on Church Hill Road. A small group of enterprising high school students could move this sign in an hour in the dark of night and have it positioned before exit 11 and the number 9 changed to 11. One would think the state could do this in a day or so. In addition, there should be a LARGE sign at the junction of Wasserman Way and Route 25 telling northbound traffic on 25 heading for I-84 to take Wasserman Road.
My frustration grows as more and more trucks come down Main Street to the transfer station. Their mufflers are loud, the house shakes, and the smoke from their mufflers fills the air. Some day, these trucks will have to meet the same air pollution standards as my car⦠but that is another story.
Letâs get the signs changed before summer, PLEASE.
Thank you for your prompt attention.
Many thanks,
John P. Rohmer
27 Main Street                                  May 10, 2000