Three Points
Three Points
To the Editor:
Three points about the budget impasse:
First, no budget is better than a bad budget. It is a bad budget when the selectmanâs half is cut below the bone trying to placate voters who, as believed by the Legislative Council, are voting against the budget because educational spending is too low. There should be a balance between both halves of the budget, and that balance was struck when the council cut $1 million from the education budget after the overwhelming rejection of the first proposal.
Second, gimmicks are bad policy. I do not envy the job of the Legislative Council. I know most if not all of the members, and they are honest, hardworking citizens who are trying to do what is best for the town of Newtown. Unfortunately, my perception is that the last two budget proposals, including the current one, are not motivated by what a good budget should be but are designed to get it to pass.
Third, choices need to be made by those persons elected to make them. This is not a referendum on all-day kindergarten. That is a decision which should be made by the Board of Education. If the board feels so strongly that all-day kindergarten is necessary, then cut something which has less merit so it can be implemented. The philosophy that every new program should be added to the base has to stop. Make some choices within the funds which the town makes available. At this point, in my opinion, the BOE budget for next year should be the same amount as this year.
Today is, after all, a day when we celebrate the freedom we have to vote on issues as we see fit. I hope we get the opportunity to vote for a good budget next time.
Very truly yours,
Robert H. Hall
5 Nettleton Avenue                                                          July 4, 2012