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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Cut The Fat Off The Meat, Not The Meat Off The Bone



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Cut The Fat Off The Meat,

Not The Meat Off The Bone

To the Editor:

The Board of Finance months ago pulled a number out of the air that the schools needed a budget to come in at 95 percent of the current operating budget. Where did this number came from? The teachers union was then approached to open their contract to take a wage freeze and step freeze. I think that most people do not understand that when a contract is opened, anything in the contract is now back on the table to be changed. These contracts were signed in good faith by both parties. For the union to be approached with an ultimatum of “open your contract or jobs will be cut” right from the start, pushed our backs to the wall. As teachers, we are not in it for just the money. We teach because we care about the students and their future success in life. Most of us coach, advise clubs, and spend numerous hours after school helping to enrich students’ lives. If we were to take a pay and step freeze, it would affect teachers’ retirements, our insurance rates would still increase, resulting in a greater financial burden on the families of the employees.

When this process started in December, there was no mention of rebidding out medical insurance to save money. Retirement incentives can be explored to save money as well. Neither of these issues have been approached by the Board of Education or Central Office of the Newtown Public Schools.

I go to work every morning at least a half-hour early to avoid the traffic at Newtown High School. The number of parents driving their children to school is ridiculous! We spend over $3.6 million on buses that are underutilized. Want to save money? Charge each parent $1 for every time they drive their child to school because they overslept, or just don’t want to ride the bus. If your child chooses to not ride the bus to school, then your tax dollars are being wasted and you have no grounds to stand on in asking for the staff portion of the education budget to be cut.

I grew up in Newtown, reside in Newtown, and work in Newtown. If you want the small New England town charm where teachers are a part of the community, then don’t make it financially impossible for us to stay and live here.

When we cut money from the people who directly impact the student’s lives (the teachers) we are cutting meat away from the bone, and leaving the fat (wasteful spending) attached to the bone of the educational budget. If we cut some of the wasteful spending (busing costs, insurance costs) we can then trim the fat away, and leave the meat of the educational system of this town intact.


Trent M. Harrison

Newtown High School Earth Science Teacher, Freshman Girls Soccer Coach, Freshman Girls Basketball Coach, Assistant Boys Track and Field Coach

16 Turkey Hill Road, Newtown                                      March 9, 2009

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